Word Clouds

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Word Clouds



This tool is used to create a word cloud which is a shaped representation of word frequency.

Description of the Tool

This tool is used to create fun cloud shapes that represent word frequencies. The more that a word is used throughout a passage or creation, the more highlighted the word becomes. This is used to catch the viewer’s attention. I think you will be surprised how often you see word clouds, but never knew this is what they are called. There are also no copyright issues with this tool. When you create a word cloud, you own the rights and can use them as you please. Word clouds can be made with different fonts, colors, and sizes, meaning they can complement any sign or presentation that you choose to incorporate them in.

How to Use This Tool

Word clouds are easy to generate. Through this website you can generate and save word clouds that you create for your own personal use. The first step in using this tool is to decide what words your cloud will contain. Please note that when generated, words similar to and, but, and the will not appear in the cloud. Clouds are made from significant words in your passage, some being more significant than others. Once you have selected the passage or wording that you would like to use, select “Create” at the top of the page.

After you select “Create”, you will be directed to a new screen with a box labeled “Original text”. This is where you can type in a phrase, type in random words, or paste in any passage you would like to incorporate. Keep in mind, the more words you use, the bigger the cloud will be.

Once you are done entering the words you want to incorporate in your cloud, select the green “Generate” button at the bottom of the page. This step is where your word cloud will be created.

After your word cloud is created, you can make changes to the design. You can make adjustments to the font, the coloring, the layout, and the different sizes of each word incorporated in your cloud. Just select the blue “Regenerate” button on the top left to see how your changes affected the design. If you want to redo anything or make additional changes, just make the adjustments and select “Regenerate” as many times as needed.

Once you are happy with the design and ready to use it for your project or personal use, select the green “Save” button at the bottom left of the page.

You will then be redirected to a “Save” page where you can input a title, description, choose private or public access, and your email address. After selecting the green “Save” button on the bottom of this page, a link to your word cloud will be sent to the email address you provided. This link allows you to download and save your word cloud for future use. These word clouds are free and there are no copyright infringement violations with this website. The word clouds that you create are yours to download and use.

How Can This Tool be Used by the Trainer/Teacher?

Teachers and trainers can easily use word clouds in the classroom. Word clouds can be used in a learning environment, and because of the prominent word emphasis, word clouds can be used for all ages from preschool through high school. Teachers can use word clouds as study guides or learning tools. Because word clouds emphasize prominent words, a teacher can use word clouds for stories, vocabulary word study, to emphasize class rules, and any other classroom activity that can be incorporated into a word cloud for the sake of learning.

Teachers and trainers can also use word clouds to emphasize key words and information that needs to stand out to those present in class. Word cloud designs can be used on posters, in power point presentations, or in handouts. Word clouds can be used for anything that needs to stand out to a student’s eye.

How Can This Tool be Used by the Trainer/Teacher to Support Student Learning?

This tool is ideal for teachers and trainers because of the emphasis factor. When generating word clouds, there is an emphasis put on the words used the most. This is ideal for teachers because in a learning environment, words that stand out can catch a student’s attention. Teachers can use this to their advantage when trying to instill significant words into a student’s vocabulary. Word clouds are also useful when trying to tell a story. Because the prominent words stand out, a child can remember the important words, meaning they can remember key points because they are emphasized.

Teachers can also use word clouds as a source of distributing lessons in right and wrong. When a word cloud is made up of words that account for actions, a teacher has the ability to emphasize positive words of behavior while hindering the words of negative behavior. This makes the positive words stand out and resonate first with the student. This can be used for class rules or just behaviors in general.

Preschool and grade school teachers can use word clouds for help with vocabulary words or the word of the week. Using a prominent word that you want your students to remember is an ideal use of a word cloud. Repetition and emphasis are the best way to learn a new word, word clouds can help with both of these. Word clouds can help with anything in the classroom that needs to stand out and catch a student’s attention.

How Can This Tool be Used by Students?

Students can use word clouds for study guides. After reading a short story, a student can easily copy and paste the story into this tool and generate a word cloud that will show emphasis on important words throughout the story. This will help the student remember key points and important words so the student can account what happened throughout the story. A word cloud added to a book report would also stand out and help show the key points you have listed in the report.

Students can also use word clouds for help with vocabulary words. The tool menu used to change the fonts, colors, sizes, and layouts, can help students customize their word cloud to emphasize the vocabulary word and then have the definition shown in the background. Emphasis and repetition of the vocabulary word and its definition can help a student study the new word and resonate it to memory.

Although teachers can use word clouds for learning purposes throughout all grades, students of all ages can not necessarily generate a word cloud on their own. Some parental supervision may be needed, but the website is very user friendly and easy to use.

Example of Word Cloud

Here is an example of a word cloud from the story “The Three Little Pigs”

Training and Other Resources

The website for this tool is self-explanatory. It is very easy to use and everything you need is listed within the website. If you are having issues and need help, Google is a good resource to use.

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